The GrowRich Podcast by Tech Help Canada

How to Deal With Difficult Clients

Gabriel Nwatarali Episode 13

a) Stay calm no matter what. Vent in private or speak to a friend. 
b) Practice active listening. Pay attention to their issues so you can respond appropriately. 
c) Reply to their messages on time. Don’t wait and hope the issue will go away. 
d) Take time to understand both sides of the problem. 
e) Offer a resolution to the problem that benefits the customer and your business in some way. 
f) Review what went wrong and learn from it. Find out where you may have messed up and vice versa. 
g) Know when to cut your losses. Sometimes you’ll have to take a hit, whether monetary or otherwise. 
h) Know when to fire a client. Refer them to someone else if you can.